Issue - meetings
Diversity and Equality Policy 2019
Meeting: 19/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 313)
313 Diversity and Equality Policy 2019 PDF 87 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Diversity and Equality Policy 2019 report for approval prior to its publication. The overall aim of the Diversity and Equality policy was to:
· Eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment;
· Promote equality of opportunity; and
· Foster good relations between diverse communities
in the Council’s delivery of services, goods, works and facilities, provision of grants and in engagement with partners.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that it was not a requirement to produce and publish a policy, however publishing a policy demonstrated the Council’s commitment to equality and treating everybody fairly.
The report had been submitted to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where it had been well received.
Councillors Bithell and Jones commented on an event they had been privileged to attend the previous day, where a presentation had been delivered from pupils from Mold Alun High School as part of the LGBT history month which covered improving tolerance and acceptance.
(a) That the Diversity and Equality Policy be approved prior to publication and implementation; and
(b) That the action being taken to improve the number of employees completing the equality e-learning modules be noted.