Issue - meetings

Accelerated Payment Facility

Meeting: 14/02/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 97)

Accelerated Payment Facility


That the Committee recommends to Cabinet:


(a)       Approval to introduce a supplier Accelerated Payment Facility for the Council as detailed in the report;


(b)       That authority be delegated to the Chief Officer (Governance) to undertake a procurement exercise and let a contract with a Service Provider in accordance with principles of the report; and


(c)       That authority be delegated to the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Corporate Finance Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets, to implement the changes required to the Council’s policies and practices as required.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to seek approval of a scheme of quicker invoice payments to suppliers which could in turn potentially generate income for the Council.


In setting out the principles and benefits of the Accelerated Payment Facility (APF), the Chief Officer responded to a number of questions from the Chairman and explained that this was a voluntary scheme.


The Chief Executive thanked the Chief Officer for his work on raising this creative solution.  He said that introduction of the scheme had been subject to detailed consideration and that initial concerns had been addressed.




That the Committee recommends to Cabinet:


(a)       Approval to introduce a supplier Accelerated Payment Facility for the Council as detailed in the report;


(b)       That authority be delegated to the Chief Officer (Governance) to undertake a procurement exercise and let a contract with a Service Provider in accordance with principles of the report; and


(c)       That authority be delegated to the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Corporate Finance Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets, to implement the changes required to the Council’s policies and practices as required.