Issue - meetings

Comments, Compliments and Complaints

Meeting: 18/07/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 Comments, Compliments and Complaints pdf icon PDF 373 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee is content that there is a robust complaints procedure in place; and


(b)       That the Committee continues to receive future annual reports.



The Complaints Officer, Social Services, introduced a report on the number of complaints received by Social Services during the period 18-19 including broad themes, outcomes, and lessons learned.  


The Complaints Officer provided background information.  He advised that complaints about Adult Social Care were down compared to previous years and said there had been a positive increase in the number of complaints responded to within timescale.  Of the 3695 adults who received care and support from Adult Social Care during 2018-19, about 1% had made a complaint about the service received.  He said there had been an increase in the number of compliments received.  The Complaints Officer reported that of the 2188 children and families who received care and support from Children’s Social Services, 2.5% had complained about the service received which was comparable year on year.  


The Complaints Officer reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, concerning the number of complaints received, the issues raised and their outcomes.  He advised that all complaints were scrutinised and used to improve both Services as part of a ‘lessons learned’ process.


The Chair commented on the cost of investigating Stage 2 complaints for 2018/19.  Officers advised that the number of Stage 2 complaints had risen and explained that Regulations stated that all Stage 2 complaints involving both Adult and Children’s Social Services were commissioned to Independent Investigators.  Officers commented on the benefits of independent investigation which ensured impartiality and could prevent cases escalating and further additional costs.  


Councillor Carol Ellis referred to the complaints made about the quality of care from a home or carer and sought clarification on the Authority’s statutory position in terms of care provision.  The Senior Manager, Integrated Services, Lead Adults, referred to the Social Services and Well Being  Act (Wales) 2014 which required the Authority to undertake an assessment.  She explained the work being undertaken around recruitment and retention of staff.  She also referred to the direct payment scheme which enabled individuals to have choice around their care provision and ‘buy in’ support services.   The Senior Manager also commented on the work being undertaken with the independent sector and private care home providers, and referred to reablement packages, step-down arrangements, and micro-care projects, to support individuals to return home or to a residential care home following discharge from hospital.




(a)       That the Committee is content that there is a robust complaints procedure in place; and


(b)       That the Committee continues to receive future annual reports.