Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2019/20
Meeting: 16/04/2019 - Cabinet (Item 339)
339 Council Plan 2019/20 PDF 105 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Council Plan 2019/20 report and explained that the Plan had been reviewed and refreshed for structure and content, with a move away from ‘Improvement Plan’ to a more corporate plan. This reflected some of the intent behind the new Local Government Measure which replaced the more prescriptive 2009 Measure.
The Chief Executive added that this was now a more rounded plan as it incorporated some of the more high profile operational services which the Council was looking to protect, such as Streetscene and Public Protection. Endorsement of the outline content was before Members today, with both Parts 1 and 2 being submitted to County Council for adoption in June.
The ‘super-structure’ of the Plan had remained the same as previous plans but now comprised an additional theme to make seven with supporting priorities. The seven themes continued to take a long term view of ambition and work over the coming three years.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer said work was progressing well on the longer term impacts of each sub priority within the Council Plan and the in-year actions. That detailed work would be shared with Members by way of an informal discussion with Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and a Member workshop.
Councillor Thomas and Butler welcomed the new theme with the priority ‘Safe and Clean Communities’. Councillor Thomas also commented on the importance of the ‘Green Council’ theme and the sub priority on Active Travel which linked to the wellbeing of children.
Councillor Jones was pleased to see the sub priority ‘health and wellbeing – workforce plan’ which she said was essential for the Council’s employees.
(a) That the outline content of the Council Plan 2019/20 Part 1 be endorsed with all sub priorities being captured; and
(b) That the timetable for adoption of both Parts 1 and 2 of the Council Plan 2019/20 be endorsed.