Issue - meetings

Improvements to the B5129 between the Denbighshire and Chester West and Cheshire County Council Borders in order to improve bus journey times

Meeting: 16/04/2019 - Cabinet (Item 342)

342 Improvements to the B5129 between the Denbighshire and Chester West and Cheshire County Council Borders in order to improve bus journey times pdf icon PDF 83 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


            Councillor Thomas introduced the report which explained that the Council was currently delivering various elements of the Flintshire Integrated Transport Strategy which supported Welsh Government’s (WG) North Wales Metro Project. 


The project included works to improve bus journey times along the B548/B5129 which was a key bus route through the county, linking to both Denbighshire and Cheshire West and Chester.  There were a number of improvements planned as part of the project which included bus priority measures at key signalised junctions.    


A public consultation process had recently ended on the proposal to construct multiuse bus and cycle lanes along a stretch of B5129 in Deeside which formed part of the overall project.  As part of the preparation works traffic modelling studies had been completed which indicated a significant reduction in bus journey times of up to 8 minutes in each direction at peak times, whilst having little detrimental impact on the existing car journey times along the route.


The work would lead to extra congestion in the area whilst the work was carried out but the long-term benefits would help to secure the future of public transport in Flintshire and ease tailbacks around Deeside Industrial Park.


Councillor Jones welcomed the report and planned improvements which she said were long overdue and should be extended as to Airbus in Broughton.    Councillor Butler concurred and said it was critical to employment opportunities and the improvement to traffic movements.




That the utilisation of Welsh Government Transport Grant funding to construct the proposed multiuse bus and cycle lanes on the B5129 between Shotton Lane and Queensferry be approved.