Issue - meetings
Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 13)
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 19 February, 28 February, 9 April, and 7 May 2019.
Additional documents:
- FCC 28.02.19 Final minutes (E) (003) (ST), item 13 PDF 95 KB
- FCC minutes - 09.04.19 final, item 13 PDF 57 KB
- Minutes 07.05.19, item 13 PDF 201 KB
- Webcast for Minutes
That the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
The minutes of the meetings held on 19 February, 28 February, 9 April, and 7 May 2019 were submitted.
Matters arising
7 May 2019, page 38, item 8, Councillor Clive Carver referred to the appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council and said this was seconded by Councillor Sean Bibby and then put to the vote. He said this was unusual and the vote had not been minuted and was a change in the constitution.
The Chief Officer (Governance) acknowledged the point made and said that the Leader had informed Council of his choice of Councillors to serve on Cabinet and explained the vote had been taken at the meeting to note the choice of Councillors. He agreed the decision could have been received by Council and said in future this item would be received without taking a vote.
That the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.