Issue - meetings
Interim Council Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20
Meeting: 11/07/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 27)
27 Interim Council Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20 PDF 142 KB
(a) The Committee notes the report and informs the Cabinet that at the September meeting, the Committee will be paying particular attention to projected overspends in social care and Streetscene; and
(b) To note that Cabinet will be requested to approve a budget virement of
£0.471m within Social Services to support the new extra care facilities
The Finance Manager, Financial Strategy and Insurance, introduced a report to provide an interim in-year budget monitoring position for 2019/20 for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account. She provided background information and explained that the interim report was the first revenue budget monitoring report for the 2019/20 financial year. The report was an exception report on significant variances which may impact on the financial position in 2019/20 and the progress of achieving planned efficiencies against the targets set for the year. At this stage the net impact of the emerging risks and variances as detailed in the report was projected to be £3.101m over the planned budget. This figure was based on known significant variances of over £0.100m This would be subject to change over the course of the year.
The Finance Manager referred to the key points, as detailed in the report, and reported on the achievement of efficiencies, the in-year budget position, and unearmarked reserves. Areas that were considered as a high risk of financial volatility would be reviewed as part of the monthly monitoring process and the implications considered as part of the forecast for the medium term. The Chief Executive commented in some detail on the areas of overspend and underspend.
Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to out of county placements and the information that the projected overspend for the service included externally provided placement costs for over 150 children, some of which lie within Flintshire’s geographic boundary. The Chief Executive explained that the educational needs of some children could be met through local provision, however, the complex residential social care and educational needs of a number of children could only be met through external provision.
Councillor Richard Jones referred to the overspend on car parking charges. He expressed concerns around car park charges and said they could be a deterrent and reduce footfall in some areas. He commented on the social value of people shopping in towns and said that some areas were generating more income than the cost to maintain the car parks in that area.
(a) The Committee notes the report and informs the Cabinet that at the September meeting, the Committee will be paying particular attention to projected overspends in social care and Streetscene; and
(b) To note that Cabinet will be requested to approve a budget virement of
£0.471m within Social Services to support the new extra care facilities