Issue - meetings

Social Services Annual Report

Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Social Services Annual Report pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Jones introduced the Social Services Annual Report which set out the improvement journey and evaluated Social Services’ performance in providing services to people that promoted their wellbeing and supported them to achieve their personal outcomes.


            The format was closely aligned to the National Outcomes Framework and demonstrated the Council’s performance in meeting the wellbeing outcomes of the people of Flintshire.  All improvement priorities sat under one of the six National Quality Standards which were detailed in the report.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) added that the Report would form an integral part of Care Inspectorate Wales’ (CIW) performance evaluation of Flintshire Social Services.  The evaluation also informed the Wales Audit Office’s assessment of Flintshire County Council as part of the annual improvement report.


            The Chief Officer thanked Cabinet for the support received for significant capital projects in the care sector which the Council could be proud of.




That following review, the draft Annual Report be approved ensuring it provides an accurate and clear account of Social Services for Adults and Children in Flintshire.