Issue - meetings
Risk Management Update
Meeting: 10/07/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 20)
20 Risk Management Update PDF 285 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee is assured that risks have been managed throughout the year and notes the end of year status of the strategic risks of the 2018/19 priorities of the Council; and
(b) That a mid-year report be received on the entire risk management system.
The Chief Executive presented the end of year position statement on strategic risks contained within the Council’s 2018/19 Council Plan. The five strategic major (red) risks at year end which were mainly due to external factors as set out in the report.
A detailed report on the risk management systems would be scheduled in the Forward Work Programme to give assurance to the Committee, including the escalation of emerging risks and role of Internal Audit.
Councillor Heesom said that the closed risk on reduction in land supply had not been mitigated due to his concerns about the viability of the flood alleviation scheme in relation to housing impacting on the Northern Gateway. He also raised concerns about risks on the Ambitious Council theme, specifically on the infrastructure of the transport corridor which was vital to future economic development.
The Chief Executive said that Overview & Scrutiny committees were able to challenge risk profiles if they wished. On the supply of affordable housing, the definition of risks were around accessibility to housing, for example the impact on homelessness and pressure on the Housing Options team, rather than building developments. The provision of affordable housing through the Local Development Plan would be a consideration at the forthcoming County Council meeting.
Councillor Woolley asked for an update on the borrowing cap for building council houses. He was informed that the Welsh Government had agreed to extend this and that once received, the response would be shared with the Committee.
In response to Councillor Johnson’s question, the Chief Executive said that the red risk on debt levels would remain. Rent income figures and Council Tax collection rates were reported to Overview & Scrutiny and a forthcoming report to Cabinet included mitigating actions to support those affected by Welfare Reform.
An additional recommendation was agreed to reflect the debate, as moved by Councillor Dunbobbin and seconded by Councillor Woolley.
(a) That the Committee is assured that risks have been managed throughout the year and notes the end of year status of the strategic risks of the 2018/19 priorities of the Council; and
(b) That a mid-year report be received on the entire risk management system.