Issue - meetings

Alternative Delivery Models Phase 2

Meeting: 16/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Alternative Delivery Models Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the report which sought support for the second phase of the programme for Alternative Delivery Models (ADMs).


            The Council adopted a programme of transferring selected services from direct delivery models to ADMs in 2014.  The programme was part of a renewed strategy for organisational change, and was designed to make significant annual revenue savings as a contributor to the Medium Term Financial Strategy, whilst ensuring the protection of those services into the future. The initial programme had been completed successfully.


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that phase 2 of the programme was more expansive with a wide range of concepts for alternative service delivery models for existing services and new models for new service innovations.


            Linking to the earlier report on the Council Plan Part 2, Councillor Jones explained that clarity on Microcare was provided in the report.  It was an innovative approach to develop locally based care support models through co-operatives or social enterprises, as a way of strengthening the wider provision of home care due to shortages in independent provision.


            Councillor Thomas commented on the high level options outlined for Streetscene and Transportation Trading Services.  She explained that no approvals had been sought to date but the possibility of trading in certain specific areas of service where the Council had the expertise and extendable capacity, e.g. private vehicle MOTs and streetlighting could be explored.


            The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that there were four stages in the development and implementation of alternative or new delivery models, which were:


            Stage 1: Proof of concept;

            Stage 2: Planning, due diligence and approvals;

            Stage 3: Transition to the new model; and

            Stage 4: Settlement period for the new model.




(a)       That the second phase of the Alternative Delivery Model programme be approved and the report be referred to the Organisational Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee in September for review and comment; and


(b)       That further reports, evaluating each of the proposed service models for more detailed consideration prior to any formal decision on their future be submitted to Cabinet, noting that several of the models are well advanced and that on (the CCTV Monitoring Service) has been given a separate and prior approval.