Issue - meetings

Alternative Delivery Models Phase 2

Meeting: 09/09/2019 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Alternative Delivery Models Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


(a)                   That the Committee support the second phase of the Alternative Delivery Model programme; and


(b)                   That the Committee receive further reports, alongside Cabinet, which evaluate each of the proposed service models for more detailed consideration prior to any formal decision on their future, noting that several of the models are well advanced and that one (the CCTV Monitoring Service) has been given a separate and prior approval.


The Chief Officer introduced the report which was presented to seek the Committee’s support.  Cabinet had approved the priority list and there were also links with the Council Plan.  He then provided an update on each of the different Alternative Delivery Models (ADMs):-


·                CCTV Monitoring and Control Service

·                Theatr Clwyd.

·                Micro Care (Community based domiciliary care services)

·                Streetscene and Transportation Trading Services

·                Housing Revenue Account Trading Services

·                Food Poverty Enterprise

·                Green Energy Company


Councillor David Wisinger asked the following questions on the proposed MOT testing at Alltami and proposal to provide domestic gas and electrical servicing:-


·                Was there sufficient parking for clients at the Depot?

·                Would other work be considered such as servicing of vehicles?

·                With regard to gas and electrical servicing would this be carried out by one officer?


             In response to the first point the Chief Officer clarified that this was still at the concept stage but the proposal was that once the Council vehicles had left the depot in the morning there would be available space for parking at the back by the workshop for this.  With regard to the car servicing question he said there could be opportunities to include other work but it was an unknown at present as the project was at concept stage and to be developed further.  With regard to the Gas and Electrical Servicing proposal (Housing Services) he said this was again at a very early stage and would seek to utilise and grow the service within the Housing Direct Labour Organisation (DLO).  Councillor Wisinger said this was a very positive move as there was the demand for this type of service especially by private landlords.


            Councillor Geoff Collett referred to Theatr Clwyd and asked if the proposed model was the most tax efficient for the Theatre.  He referred to Chester Zoo where patrons were asked to sign a document to enable the Zoo to claim an extra 26% back from the Government.  The Zoo was not an Independent Trust Model but asked if the Theatre would be able to claim some tax back similar to the Zoo.  


            In response the Chief Officer confirmed the model would enable the Theatre to receive benefits from Corporation Tax and Value Added Tax.  There were opportunities for Business Rate Relief, access to charitable funding and alignment of employment models with other theatres which would also be beneficial. This would give the Theatre more freedom to plan how they operated.  There was a lot of work being undertaken but a detailed report on this would be presented to the Committee in the autumn.


            Councillor Tudor Jones sought clarification on the following points regarding the Housing Revenue Account Trading Services ADM


·                Would this be established similar to the Aura ADM or managed by the Council?  

·                Would this impact on other existing charitable organisations such as Care and Repair and could consideration be been given to partnering with those operators as he felt it was important not to disadvantage them? 

·                With regard to employment of staff which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23