Issue - meetings

All Wales Concessionary Travel Scheme – Replacement of Travel Cards (Bus Passes)

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 22)

22 All Wales Concessionary Travel Scheme – Replacement of Travel Cards (Bus Passes) pdf icon PDF 190 KB


That the process to re-issue Concessionary Travel Cards to all eligible residents in Flintshire be noted.


Prior to consideration of the report on the replacement of travel cards the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene & Countryside highlighted the recent problems with the crashing of the Transport for Wales database.  She emphasised that the current passes did not expire until the 31 December 2019 and that anyone could apply on behalf of somebody else as long as they had the relevant information. She added that PDF copies were now available to download from the Transport for Wales website.   The Chairman thanked the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene & Countryside for taking the lead on this.


                        Councillor Dolphin asked if the £173k contribution from Flintshire was a one off payment or annual contribution.  Members were keen for more information to get out to the public about the reasons why the concessionary passes needed to be renewed and how they could apply as the public were concerned that it was a waste of money. Councillor Shotton suggested that members put it on their social media.


                        Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) explained that the fee dated back to when the Council ran the Concessionary Travel Scheme and since the Welsh Government had taken it over nationally this was an ongoing contribution.  He also added that the scheme had been in place for 10 years and   needed updating as many people had moved or their details had changed.  Leaflets had been distributed giving advice and the Connects Offices in Flintshire who were able to assist with applications.   The Chief Officer agreed to raise the issues raised by Members of the Committee with Transport for Wales.


                        The recommendations in the report was moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Shotton.




That the process to re-issue Concessionary Travel Cards to all eligible residents in Flintshire be noted.