Issue - meetings

Review of Streetscene Standards

Meeting: 16/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Review of Streetscene Standards pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Thomas introduced the Review of Streetscene Standards report and explained that the standards had not been reviewed since 2012.


                        The standards approved by Cabinet in 2012 formed the basis of the portfolio’s quarterly performance report which was scrutinised by Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.

                        The updated 2019 Council Plan included a new performance measure of Streetscene standards under the Safe and Clean Council and as a result, the direct output of the portolio would be reported through the Overview and Scrutiny process.


                        A review of the standards had also been undertaken as despite significant changes to the scope of the portfolio, the standards had not changed for seven years.  Some of the standards were no longer relevant and some areas of the new Streetscene and Transportation service were not represented. 


                        The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that the proposed standards had been reported to a recent meeting of Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and were supported. 




            That the adoption of the Streetscene service standards detailed in Appendix 1, including the proposed additions to the revised list as a result of the portfolio changes, be approved.