Issue - meetings
Corporate Parenting Strategy
Meeting: 25/07/2019 - Joint Education & Youth and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 3)
3 Corporate Parenting Strategy PDF 172 KB
Additional documents:
That the summary of actions to be taken in 2019/20 to deliver the Corporate Parenting Strategy be endorsed.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report stating that Corporate Parenting was one of the most important functions of the Council and that it currently supported between 240 to 250 young people. He referred Members to the Corporate Parenting Strategy Action Plan Summary within the report which outlined the work required to strengthen and nurture the lives of young people. He provided information on action plans for the following:-
· Home
· Education and Learning
· Health & Well Being
· Leisure
· Employment Opportunities
· Leaving Care
· Voice of Looked After Children
The Chair asked if all young people were able to access the support of a Personal Advisor and were these officers now all in post. The Chair then referred to Aura and the offer of a junior membership card for £22 per month which enabled children to access all of their facilities and asked if this was something that could be considered.
In response the Senior Manager (Children and Workforce) confirmed if a child had been looked after for more than 13 weeks then they would be eligible for the Personal Advisor support from the age of 18 to 25 years and that currently 75 care leavers were being supported. There had been vacancies and he provided information on how the children were supported during that time but confirmed that all 4 posts had now been filled. The Chief Officer (Social Services) referred to the Junior Membership card proposal which he agreed was a good idea confirming he would have a discussion with the young people on this.
In response to questions from Councillor Tudor Jones around employment opportunities, the Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that the strategies set out within the report enabled looked after children before the age of 18 to be prepared for future employment opportunities. The Senior Manager (Children and Workforce) provided clarification on the Boost Scheme which was a scheme available for some care leavers from 16 to 25 years who may not be ready to apply for jobs. Support with practical skills to support a young person for interview and working life such as preparing a CV, work dress code, answering the telephone and work place etiquette for example this was carried out prior to connecting them with businesses.
The Senior Manager (Inclusion & Progression) referred to another service ADTRAC (European Social Funded Service) which provided support and training for those young people who needed extra support including mental health with tailored packages for that individual from the age of 16 to 24 years. This service enhanced the Boost Scheme offer.
Councillor Dave Mackie proposed that the recommendation detailed within the report, be supported. This was seconded by Councillor Kevin Hughes.
That the summary of actions to be taken in 2019/20 to deliver the Corporate Parenting Strategy be endorsed.