Issue - meetings

Contract Management

Meeting: 20/11/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 44)

44 Contract Management pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To receive any apologies.

Additional documents:


That the Internal Audit service monitor the delivery of portfolio action plans (through the routine action tracking) to improve contract management and undertake a follow-up during 2020/21.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report on an Internal Audit review of contract management following an initial audit of procurement reported in 2018.  The report identified the need for each service to achieve minimum requirements for effective contract management and for Chief Officers to develop action plans by the end of December to meet those standards within their portfolios.


As this was a long-standing issue, Sally Ellis proposed that the Committee receive an update on action plans in March or June 2020.  This was seconded by Councillor Heesom.


In response, the Chief Officer said that a phased approach was being taken due to the complexities involved and that the Internal Audit team followed up actions on audit findings.  Progress against action plans would be monitored, recognising that some actions may require more time to complete.


Sally Ellis spoke about the potential for inconsistencies on core competency areas and the need for the Committee to receive assurance on progress.  The Internal Audit Manager explained that follow-up work timescales could only be determined once the actions plans had been completed.  She suggested that a follow-up audit be included in the 2020/21 Audit Plan to be brought back to the Committee as a formal report.  Sally Ellis indicated that she was satisfied with this course of action.


Councillor Woolley asked about the percentage of contracts above the threshold which had not been recorded.  The Internal Audit Manager said that the number could not be substantiated in the audit and required further analysis.


Councillor Johnson welcomed the delivery of community benefits and social values and asked where this was reported.  The Internal Audit Manager said that the effectiveness of social values in contracts would be included as part of the audit next year.  The Chief Officer (Governance) said that an indication of the number of contracts with those clauses was shown in performance reports on the Procurement Service.




That the Internal Audit service monitor the delivery of portfolio action plans (through the routine action tracking) to improve contract management and undertake a follow-up during 2020/21.