Issue - meetings
Foster Carers Adaptations Policy
Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 38)
38 Adaptations to Foster Carers Homes Policy PDF 285 KB
To outline how more families can be supported to access the 30 hours Childcare Offer and proposals for capital investment to support this work.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Adaptations to Foster Carers Homes Policy, item 38 PDF 349 KB
- Appendix 2 - Grant Funding Application Process, item 38 PDF 389 KB
That the Adaptations to Foster Carers Homes be supported.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report on proposals to introduce the ‘Adaptation to Foster Carer Homes Policy’ to give Flintshire and the children it is responsible for more choice and options for placements which can offer better value for money for the Authority.
The Chief Officer explained that in some circumstances the home environment of foster carers can limit placement opportunities. The Policy seeks to introduce a grant scheme which offers foster carers financial support to make adaptations to their exiting home, or financial assistance towards the purchase of a new larger or more suitable property (up to the value of £36,000 for adaptations or £20,000 for relocation to a new property). The grant would be subject to the terms and conditions outlined in a Financial Assistance Agreement and clawback would be applicable under certain conditions to protect public funding.
The Chair asked if Foster Carers who took up the scheme would be able to buy insurance cover to safeguard repayment costs if necessary. The Senior Manager Children and Workforce drew attention to the information provided on Grant Funding for Adaptation in the proposed Policy which was appended to the report. He advised that Flintshire had the discretion to waiver up to £10,000 of grant funding, dependent on the financial assessment of the foster carer and/or property owner and the proposed child placement arrangements. He said that Foster Carers were encouraged and financially supported to seek independent financial advice before joining the scheme. The Senior Manager emphasised that the aim of the scheme was to assist Foster Carers with the cost of making adaptations to their home to provide adequate space for children and young people to live and thrive in their care. The funding aimed to complement the range of support services provided to Foster Carers.
Councillor David Mackie suggested that the word ‘clawback’ be removed from the policy as he felt the word ‘repayable’ was more appropriate. He also referred to the terms and conditions attached to the provision of funding through Disabled Facility Grants (DFGs) and suggested that consideration be given to applying the same process to grant funding for adaptations.
The Chair referred to DFGs and suggested that members of the Committee be invited to attend a meeting of the Community & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee. This was agreed by the Committee
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Gladys Healey and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackie.
That the Adaptations to Foster Carers Homes be supported.