Issue - meetings

Childcare Offer in Wales, Flintshire

Meeting: 03/10/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Childcare Offer for Wales, Flintshire pdf icon PDF 259 KB


(a)       That the report be received; and


(b)       That a letter be sent from the Committee to the Early Year and Family

Support Manger and her team, to express the Committee’s appreciation of the work being undertaken to support families to access the Offer.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report outline how more families could be supported to access the 30 hours Childcare Offer and the proposals for capital investment to support this work.  He provided background information and explained that the aim of the Offer was to support families with quality, flexible, and affordable care.  It also supported economic regeneration and reduced pressures on family income helping parents to participate in work and reducing the risk of poverty. 


The Chief Officer reported that the Childcare Offer had been successful in Flintshire, benefitting families, the childcare sector, and communities.  Due to the success of the uptake additional funding had been requested from the Welsh Government and this had recently been approved.  He reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, and referred to the progress in developing and delivering the Childcare Offer for Wales in Flintshire, Information and Engagement Communication Plan, capital grants funding, Flintshire Childcare Offer software licence agreement, national system, and Early Entitlement pilot of £4.50 per hour.  


Councillor Dave Mackie congratulated the Chief Officer and his team on the success of the Childcare Offer in Flintshire and asked that thanks also be passed to all involved for their hard work.  He proposed that a letter be sent from the Chair to Officers and staff to express the Committee’s appreciation of the work being undertaken to support families to access the Offer.  




(a)       That the report be received; and


(b)       That a letter be sent from the Committee to the Early Year and Family

Support Manger and her team, to express the Committee’s appreciation of the work being undertaken to support families to access the Offer.