Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking
Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 18)
18 Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking PDF 96 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (Env), item 18 PDF 161 KB
- Enc. 2 for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (Env), item 18 PDF 91 KB
(a) That the Committee Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions.
The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the current Forward Work Programme for consideration, and outlined the following:-
· The number of reports listed for the next meeting scheduled to be held at Greenfield Valley on 15 October 2019 which may need to be moved to the November meeting;
· The suggestion of a Joint Meeting with the Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee to consider the North Wales Economic Growth Bid; and
· Site visit to Parc Adfer on 10 March 2020.
The Chair referred to the Welsh Government (WG) draft national Development Framework that was currently out for consultation and suggested it should be considered by the Committee. The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy advised that this was scheduled to be considered at the October meeting of the Planning Strategy Group.
Councillor David Evans requested that information provided to individual members following scrutiny committees should be included as part of the action tracking report so that all members could benefit from seeing the information. He suggested that this approach should be rolled out to all Scrutiny Committees. Members welcomed the suggestion and the facilitator agreed to advise the Democratic Services Manager of the request.
Cllr Shotton referred to the use of recycled plastics mixed with aggregate and bitumen which had been raised at previous meetings. The Chief Officer confirmed that work was moving forward with the company involved in the initiative and agreed to provide a progress report once the trials in Flintshire had been completed.
The Scrutiny Facilitator raised the issue of Call Centre response times. The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) explained that the Call Centre Team had moved from Alltami to join the Housing Team in Ewloe recently. He would provide performance data for the last 6 months and suggested that the Call Centre Manager could attend a future committee meeting if required.
The recommendations in the report was moved by Councillor Shotton and seconded by Councillor Evans.
(a) That the Committee Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions.