Issue - meetings
Local Development Plan: Confirming renewable energy local areas of search
Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 40)
40 Local Development Plan: Confirming renewable energy local areas of search PDF 245 KB
To confirm the extent of the Flintshire Deposit Local Development Plan renewable energy local areas of search on the proposals map, to form part of the public consultation on the Plan commencing on 30th September 2019.
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Local Development Plan: Confirming renewable energy local areas of search, item 40 PDF 204 KB
- Enc. 2 for Local Development Plan: Confirming renewable energy local areas of search, item 40 PDF 684 KB
- Webcast for Local Development Plan: Confirming renewable energy local areas of search
(a) That the Indicative Local Search Areas for renewable energy to be shown on the proposals map and associated policy be included as part of the Deposit LDP public consultation be approved;
(b) That the amendments to deposit LDP policy EN13 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Development highlighted in this report be approved; and
(c) That the Chief Officer (Planning, Economy and Environment) be authorised to make any additional minor wording, grammar, editorial, or cartographic changes to the Deposit LDP which may arise or be necessary prior to formal consultation to ensure consistency with the ongoing LDP evidence base and to assist final presentation of the Plan.
The Chair introduced a report to confirm the extent of the Flintshire Deposit Local Development Plan renewable energy local Areas of Search on the proposals map, to form part of the public consultation on the Plan commencing on 30 September 2019.
Councillor Chris Bithell referred to the endorsement of the draft Deposit Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP) at the meeting of County Council on 23 July 2019, which was to go out for public consultation at the end of September. He said that, as reported at the meeting, the section of the LDP on Renewable Energy Local Areas of Search had not been included at the July Council meeting as the work was yet to be completed. He explained that the Council was required by Welsh Government (WG) to produce a section in the LDP on this important issue to assist the Government in meeting its target of producing 70% of electricity generation in Wales from renewable sources by 2030. This element of the LDP has now been completed and is presented for endorsement following a comprehensive search to identify land within the County to provide for large scale wind farms or solar farms to produce renewable energy. Councillor Bithell commented on Flintshire’s location and the natural constraints around the allocation of land for large wind farms, but said there was more opportunity for allocation of land for solar farms and referred to the existing provision in Flintshire and new developments. Councillor Bithell moved the recommendations in the report.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment, and Economy) provided background information and explained the methodology used to identify an Area of Search. He gave a presentation on the process which covered the following main points:
- purpose
- what are Areas of Search and what they are not?
- potential for wind farms
- potential for solar farms
- Solar PV Local areas of search
Councillor Mike Peers thanked the Chief Officer and his team for their commitment and hard work to meet the LDP deadline and for a comprehensive and informative report which demonstrated a thorough search of the County. Councillor Peers seconded the proposal by Councillor Bithell
In response to comments from Councillor Patrick Heesom, the Chief Officer confirmed that the consultation period for the LDP was from 30 September to 11 November 2019.
In response to the concerns raised by Councillor Paul Johnson around the Holway Levels and SSI and his request that they be removed from the proposed LDP, the Chief Officer agreed to discuss the matters with Councillor Johnson prior to the LDP going out to formal consultation.
Councillor David Williams asked if hydro-electric power had been investigated for producing renewable energy. The Chief Officer explained that the directive was towards wind and solar power, however, the Authority was always looking at the potential for other renewable resources and advised that a small scale hydroelectric scheme was planned at Connah’s Quay.
(a) That the Indicative Local Search Areas for renewable energy to be shown on the proposals map and ... view the full minutes text for item 40