Issue - meetings
Code of Conduct for Councillors
Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 54)
54 Code of Conduct for Councillors PDF 168 KB
Additional documents:
That the suggested amendment requiring gifts with a total value of £100 or more in any 12 month period to be declared is added to the Code of Conduct for Councillors.
The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to seek agreement to a change in the Code of Conduct for Councillors in respect of gifts and hospitality. The matter had arisen from a number of best practice recommendations published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life in considering the impact of changes made to the ethical regime in England. Whilst these were not mandatory in Wales, the Standards Committee had proposed that the Council voluntarily adopt the recommendation to require that Members declare not only gifts/hospitality above a certain individual value but also those above an aggregate value. For Flintshire, it was recommended that the current practice of registering gifts worth over £10 be extended to include gifts of £100 or more received from the same donor over a 12 month period. This change had been endorsed by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee.
Councillor Bithell said that standards expected of local government should also apply elsewhere. The Chief Officer said that the report demonstrated the Council’s approach in noting examples of good practice outside Wales.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin questioned whether it was time for an increase in the Council’s current threshold for registering individual gifts valued at £10 and over. The Chief Officer agreed to make enquiries on the limit imposed by other councils.
Councillor Palmer moved the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Peers. On being put to the vote, this was carried.
That the suggested amendment requiring gifts with a total value of £100 or more in any 12 month period to be declared is added to the Code of Conduct for Councillors.