Issue - meetings

Arosfa Update

Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Arosfa Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Jones introduced the Arosfa Update report which outlined plans to refurbish an unused wing of the building to provide two additional bed spaces at the facility. 


Arosfa was a well-established service providing short term breaks/respite for children with disabilities.  The two additional beds would bring capacity to accommodate two permanent long-term residents and provide a quality local service as an alternative to Out of County Placements.  This would be in addition to the current short term break, respite provision for up to three children.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that, together, the plans would enable the Council to support a maximum of five children at any one time and would provide a good quality, cost effective and local service as a clear alternative to Out of County Placements.


The revenue implication was £200k per annum which would be fully funded by the Intermediate Care Fund (ICF).  The minimum annual cost for an Out of County Placement was £182k with many placements exceeding that.  Supporting two young people through the open market would therefore cost a minimum of £364k a year so this was a cost avoidance for the Council.




That the refurbishment plan be supported.