Issue - meetings

Bus Lanes in Flintshire – Limitations on Use

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 19)

19 Bus Lanes in Flintshire – Limitations on Use pdf icon PDF 122 KB


(a)       That the Committee recommends the limitations on vehicles authorised to utilise the proposed bus lanes on the B5129; and


(b)       That the Committee notes the enforcements on all other bus lanes and bus priority measures at key locations across the corridor.


The Road Safety Officer, Lee Shone introduced a report to seek a recommendation for Cabinet to approve the limitations on vehicles authorised to utilise the proposed bus lanes on the B5129 between Queensferry and Shotton to utilise Welsh Government Transport Grant funding.


He advised that additional priority measures had been highlighted within the Deeside Industrial Park to provide direct and dedicated ‘bus only’ access routes into the park. 


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) added that this was a long term plan and one piece of the jigsaw to get people out of their cars and using public transport which required a culture change.


Councillor Shotton raised concerns about the possible disruption while new lanes were being created but welcomed the abolition of right turns as the next phase.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said that all options would be looked at to make sure that the work would be carried out to limit disruptions.  He added that that the contractor appointed would be flexible and that the Streetscene Team would be available to talk to the business community and local residents to make sure that if there was any impact it could be acted upon.


Councillors Evans and Johnson raised issues regarding number plate recognition and questioned who would be running this and how it would be controlled.  The Road Safety Officer confirmed that it would be run on a similar basis to parking ticket fines. . The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) added that only vehicles authorised by Flintshire would be able to use bus lanes which included out of County vehicles, with a record of permitted users being recorded. Which included out of County vehicles, with a record of permitted users being recorded.


Members raised concerns about width of lanes, use of the lanes by school children on cycles and buses overtaking cycles.  The Road Safety Officer advised that travel guidance was strict and had been rigorously adhered to.  He added that engagement was taking place with schools regarding cycle routes and accredited cycle proficiency courses for pupils. 


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Shotton and seconded by Councillor Dunbobbin.




(a)       That the Committee recommends the limitations on vehicles authorised to utilise the proposed bus lanes on the B5129; and


(b)       That the Committee notes the enforcements on all other bus lanes and bus priority measures at key locations across the corridor.