Issue - meetings

Disabled Facilities Grant Policy

Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Disabled Facilities Grant Policy pdf icon PDF 276 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Hughes introduced the Disabled Facilities Grant Policy report and explained that as part of the Internal Audit review of the Disabled Facilitates Grant service in June 2018, it was identified that the current policy required a review in order to make the process and detail clearer and easier to understand.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) explained that the review identified that the previous policy, which included the Disabled Facilities Grant process, was out of date and did not align to current practices in operation within the services.  It was unclear as to processes and criteria that were required in order to qualify for the grant.


Work had been ongoing to address and implement the recommendations contained within the report and to review service delivery in order to make improvements.  A significant amount of work had also been carried out to ensure that customers, and the professionals who supported them, had all the relevant information at the earliest opportunity.  He provided assurance that there would be a significant improvement to the delivery of Disabled Facilities Grants which would be evident in the forthcoming reporting periods.




That the revised policy be supported.