Issue - meetings
Winter Maintenance and Severe Weather Policy
Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 82)
82 Winter Maintenance and Severe Weather Policy PDF 168 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Winter Maintenance and Severe Weather Policy report which updated the current policy and explained the legislative requirements of providing such a service, and the actions taken by the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio to deliver the winter maintenance service. In addition, the report outlined the Council’s response to other adverse weather events, such as flooding and high winds.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said it was good practice to regularly review the policy and the report outlined the changes to the most recent version of the ‘Winter Maintenance Policy’ for approval. The key areas considered by officers were outlined in the report.
The review concluded that the current operating model was adequate in responding to the risk presented during periods of adverse weather and was effective in the deployment of resource, whilst limiting the impact of the disruption to the service and wider service users. There were no significant changes following the review, however in recent years the service had looked to improve the communication during periods of severe or prolonged adverse weather, and the approach had been captured within the policy.
The policy had been amended to reflect the change in weather forecast provider, from MeteoGroup to MetDesk, following procurement of the forecast service by Welsh Government (WG).
That the reviewed Winter Maintenance Policy 2019/21, which contains the procedures and processes for delivering the Council’s winter maintenance and adverse weather service, be approved.