Issue - meetings

Annual Performance Report 2018/19

Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 70)

70 Annual Performance Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 236 KB

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Councillor Mullin introduced the Annual Performance Report 2018/19 which reviewed progress against the Council Priorities as detailed in the Council Plan 2018/19.


            The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that the report reflected the overall progress that had been made against the Council’s priorities and the level of confidence the Council had in achieving the desired outcomes.  It also showed the position against the 44 risks, with 1 risk increasing in significance during the year and 15 risks reducing in significance by year end.


            Performance against the Council Plan measures were positive with 92% of agreed key activities being assessed as making good progress and 89% likely to achieve the desired outcome.  In addition, 70% of the performance indicators met or exceeded the target for the year, whilst 73% showed improvement or remained stable.


            Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (64%), or minor/insignificant (25%).  11% of risks showed a high risk status at year-end, mostly due to the lack of financial resourcing.  Both Cabinet and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee had continued to consider performance areas which under-performed throughout 2018/19.  Members welcomed the reporting, including the details on the areas of under-performance. 


            The report would be considered at County Council later that day and would be available on the Council’s website. 




That the 2018/19 Annual Performance Report be endorsed prior to approval by County Council.