Issue - meetings

North East Wales (NEW) Homes Board

Meeting: 22/11/2019 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)

26 North East Wales (NEW) Homes Business Plan 2019/2048 pdf icon PDF 362 KB

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That the Committee support the progress made through the delivery of the NEW Homes Business Plan 2019/2048.


The Housing Programme Service Manager introduced the North East Wales (NEW) Homes Business Plan, which set out key elements of the company’s proposed Development Strategy to increase the number of affordable rent properties delivered over the next three years by 207 units.


            The key elements highlighted to the Committee, as detailed within the report, were around:-


·         Gifted Units;

·         Strategic Partnerships with Local Developers and Housing Associations; and

·         Utilising land owned by Flintshire County Council


            Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked for an update on the house building programme at the former Canton Depot site.  The Housing Programme Service Manager explained that they were awaiting the Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) report which would determine the number of properties that the Council could build on the site.  The Council had initially earmarked 50 properties for the site and it was hoped that work would start onsite at the beginning of next year.


            The Chairman asked if there was an opportunity for the Council to take into its ownership the newly developed apartments at The Swan building in Connah’s Quay.  The Housing Programme Service Manager agreed to look into this following the meeting.


            Councillor Patrick Heesom complimented the way in which the service was being managed.  He asked why the Business Plan was in place until 2048 and whether the increase in interest rates from the Public Loans Board had affected the Business Plan.  He also sought assurance that Council properties would remain in the ownership of the Council.  The Finance Manager, Community Services, explained that the Business Plan was in place until 2048 due the long payback of the scheme.  On the increase in interest rates, all new schemes were ‘stress tested’ to ensure a margin of error in the event of interest rates being risen without causing any problems for the schemes.  The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) assured the Committee that all Council properties would remain in the ownership of the Council. 


            Councillor Ron Davies commented on the recent site visit arranged for the Committee to Garden City and congratulated Wates, the contractors, on the work carried out.     


The recommendation within the report was moved by Councillor Ron Davies and seconded by Councillor Paul Shotton.




That the Committee support the progress made through the delivery of the NEW Homes Business Plan 2019/2048.