Issue - meetings
Risk Management Update
Meeting: 20/11/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 43)
43 Risk Management Update PDF 148 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the status of the initial overview of strategic risks of the 2019/20 priorities of the Council be noted; and
(b) That the commitment to present the risk management framework and guidance at January’s Audit Committee be noted.
The Chief Executive presented a report which summarised the position on strategic risks in the 2019/20 Council Plan and provided an update on work in progress to re-establish the approach to risk management.
Positive feedback had been received from the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee which had an overarching view of risks across the Council, with individual risks reported quarterly to the respective Overview & Scrutiny committees. The report reflected positive movement in the reduction of major (red) risks on which the Chief Executive gave a brief summary. Good progress was being made on the development of a robust risk management framework due to be shared at the next meeting.
Sally Ellis questioned whether risks were being sufficiently reported through Overview & Scrutiny. The Internal Audit Manager said that work on areas of risk for each of those committees was nearing completion with the potential for a standing agenda item. The findings from the Audit Committee Chair and Vice-Chair Network Group (attended by the Internal Audit Manager and Sally Ellis) would also inform this work.
Allan Rainford asked about the process for determining strategic risks. The Chief Executive spoke about the escalation of risks at Informal Cabinet and meetings with Chief Officers. The Strategic Performance Advisor referred to good engagement with service areas through performance lead officers in each portfolio.
On being put to the vote, the Committee supported the recommendations. Councillor Heesom asked that his abstention be recorded.
(a) That the status of the initial overview of strategic risks of the 2019/20 priorities of the Council be noted; and
(b) That the commitment to present the risk management framework and guidance at January’s Audit Committee be noted.