Issue - meetings

Outcome of Estyn Inspection

Meeting: 20/11/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 39)

39 Outcome of Estyn Inspection pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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That the Committee receives and acknowledges the findings of the Estyn report on education services in Flintshire.


The Chief Executive introduced a report on the outcome of the recent Estyn inspection of education services in Flintshire to provide assurance to the Committee.


The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) said that this was a positive report providing assurance of the quality of services and identifying significant areas of strength in educational provision.  The four recommendations for improvement, which had already been identified through the Council’s self-assessment process, were being progressed through an action plan verified by Estyn.  This would be subject to monitoring through quarterly performance reports to the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Heesom highlighted the recommendation to reduce exclusions and increase attendance in primary and secondary schools.  The Chief Officer said that this was a challenge not just in Flintshire due to a number of reasons including increased external pressures facing young people.  Officers were working closely with Head Teachers and making better use of the Youth Justice Service to engage with schools to target appropriate support to young people at risk of exclusion.


The Chief Executive described this as the most challenging of the recommendations due to the external factors.  He spoke about complex and sensitive work underway to encourage more consistent and holistic practice within schools and governing bodies.


Sally Ellis congratulated the Chief Officer and her team on the positive outcomes from the Estyn report.


The Chairman thanked the two officers for their attendance.




That the Committee receives and acknowledges the findings of the Estyn report on education services in Flintshire.