Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2019/20 – Mid Year Monitoring Report
Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 88)
88 Council Plan 2019/20 – Mid Year Monitoring Report PDF 300 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Council Plan 2019/20 – Mid Year Monitoring Report which presented a summary of performance at the mid-year point.
The Chief Executive explained that the report had been submitted to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where it was well received.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer said the report showed that 88% of activities were making good progress with 90% likely to achieve their planned outcomes. 78% of the performance indicators had met or had exceeded their targets. Risks were being managed with a minority of 14% being assessed as major and 40% of risks decreasing in significance.
The Chief Officer (Governance) said the Audit Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committees were following through areas of risk which would be incorporated into their forward work programmes.
(a) That the following be noted and endorsed:
· The overall levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of activities within the Council Plan;
· The overall performance against Council Plan performance indicators; and
· The current risk levels within the Council Plan
(b) That Cabinet be assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2019/20 Council Plan.