Issue - meetings

Support building resilient communities by developing social prescriber role within Single Point of Access

Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)

37 Support building resilient communities by developing social prescriber role within Single Point of Access pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the impact that Social Prescribing can have on the promotion of independence and well-being be supported; and


(b)       That Members signpost Flintshire residents to the service. 



The Senior Manager, Integrated Services Lead Adults. introduced a report to provide an update on work being undertaken on a Social Prescribing Service operating from Flintshire’s Single Point of Access (SPOA).  She introduced the Senior Cluster Co-ordinator and Partnership Lead, and Ann Woods, Chief Officer Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, to the meeting. 


The Senior Cluster Co-ordinator and Partnership Lead presented the report.  She provided background information and explained that delivered in partnership with the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, the service provides practical and emotional support to individuals so that they can be assisted to achieve “What Matters” to them where the solutions lie within the community or through development of their own skills or confidence.  In addition to the service being available for self-referral, referrals can be made by anyone else who has contact with an individual.  A specific area of current and future development is to encourage GPs to refer into the service to support patients presenting to them with concerns which are non-clinical.


The Chief Officer Flintshire Local Voluntary Council, gave an overview of the Social Prescribing Service through the Single Point of Access and explained the role of a Social Prescriber and how the service works in Flintshire.


Members congratulated the Chief Officer and his team on the success of the Service.  The Chief Officer commented on the positive feedback on how the quality of life for individuals had been greatly improved by the Service. 


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Paul Shotton  and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




(a)       That the impact that Social Prescribing can have on the promotion of independence and well-being be supported; and


(b)       That Members signpost Flintshire residents to the service.