Issue - meetings

Regulated Services Engagement and Consultation

Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

40 Regulated Services Engagement and Consultation pdf icon PDF 127 KB


(a)       That the process for engagement and consultation to meet the needs of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (RISCA) be endorsed; and


(b)       That the progress and the upcoming phase 2 of the work which will form part of the responsible individual’s annual report, be noted.



The Senior Manager, Integrated Services Lead Adults. introduced a report to consider the draft consultation.  She provided background information and advised that the processes described in the report were co-produced with people who used the  services and was designed to be inclusive, robust and sustainable, meet regulatory requirements, and also provide the information needed to ensure that the Authority’s services are of high quality and continue to meet the needs of the individuals who are supported. 


The engagement processes discussed in the report covered in-house older people’s residential care, extra care, domiciliary care and supported living and short-term care for people with learning disabilities.  The overall objective was to implement the quality review process across the whole service and share learning across the sector regarding what’s worked well and any lessons or reflections on improvements.  The Senior Manager invited the Service Manager, Social Services, to present the report. 


The Service Manager advised that under the new Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (RISCA) there was a requirement of the Responsible Individual to engage and consult with individuals who used the Authority’s services in a regular and effective way.  Regulation 76 of the RISCA sets out the requirements, as detailed in the report.  He referred to the engagement work which had taken place and the methodology underpinning the work which was based on a ‘story telling’   approach.  A communication plan was delivered to underpin the whole process.  The Service Manager explained that RISCA placed service quality and improvement  at the heart of regulation.  This approach would evidence that the Council’s care and support services had a culture of quality improvement, using methods of co-production, focusing on outcomes and experience for the individual and by listening introduced positive change.


Members supported the process for engagement and consultation and  thanked the Senior Manager and Service Manager for their work.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Martin White and  seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




(a)       That the process for engagement and consultation to meet the needs of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (RISCA) be endorsed; and


(b)       That the progress and the upcoming phase 2 of the work which will form part of the responsible individual’s annual report, be noted.