Issue - meetings

21st Century Schools Capital Programme

Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 21st Century Schools Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 308 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Roberts introduced the 21st Century Schools Capital Programme report which provided the background to the Council’s medium term strategic plan for the management and improvement of the school estate and the Council’s Strategic Outline Programme (SOP) submission to Welsh Government (WG) for the 21st Century Schools funding programme.


            Since approval of the SOP in early 2018, more detailed work had been undertaken to develop and cost individual projects with the programme and pupil numbers across the schools being monitored. Cabinet had approved early decisions on some aspects of the programme, e.g. to finish the remodelling at Connah’s Quay High School and not to amalgamate Lixwm and Brynford schools.


            WG had also made changes to the intervention rates in favour of local authorities and had also made new funding streams available such as the Welsh Medium and Childcare Capital Grants, both at 100% intervention rates from which the Council had benefited.  All of those factors, alongside the development of the Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP), had potential impacts on the shape and potential cost of the final Band B programme.


            The report outlined the proposed changes to the final programme and sought approval on a number of key issues.


            Feasibility studies had shown that there was the opportunity to create a single site model for primary and secondary education in the Mynydd Isa area on the site of the existing Argoed High School.  It would provide the opportunity to recycle one of the buildings, which was of good quality, to establish a Welsh medium provision for the Buckley/Mynydd Isa area which supported the Council’s objectives in its Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.  Band B funding and other WG investments were also provided for the improvements in Ysgol Glanrafon, Mold, Glannau Dyfdrwy in Shotton and the replacement of Ysgol Croes Atti in Flint, all of which showed the Council’s commitment to the WG strategy to promote Welsh medium education and play its part in the national target of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050.


            The proposal would also allow for some significant investment in Buckley Elfed, which with its rising pupil numbers and strong educational performance had proven to be sustainable as a successful school in its own right and should be allowed to remain as a separate entity.


            The challenges were more acute in the Saltney area where falling pupil numbers at St. David’s High School had prompted the proposal to consider not proceeding with the 3-16 model as outlined in the SOP.  It was important that a more detailed review was undertaken of both primary and secondary provision in the Saltney and Broughton area to ensure that the planned capital investment delivered the most sustainable models of education for the area.


            In addition, the original £85m funding envelope was insufficient to deliver all of the priorities within the SOP and with the potential development of new strategic housing sites, two of the Council’s secondary schools could be put under pressure in terms of demand for places.  It  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93