Issue - meetings

Domestic Energy Programmes

Meeting: 18/12/2019 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 34)

34 Domestic Energy Programmes pdf icon PDF 102 KB


(a)       That the progress made in delivering domestic energy efficiency programmes to support fuel-poor households in Flintshire be noted; and


(b)       That the report be recommended to Cabinet in order to highlight the positive action being taken by the Council to reduce fuel poverty and improve the quality of life of residents.


Councillor Bithell introduced a report summarising the approaches taken by the Council’s Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme team to reduce fuel poverty and improve the quality of life for residents in Flintshire.  Fuel poverty was recognised as a national and local issue, as prioritised in the Council Plan, and was more likely to affect those living in less energy efficient properties.


There was a significant challenge in reducing fuel poverty due to the number of older properties in Wales which were expensive to make more fuel efficient.  Over the past five years, the Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme team - comprising five employees - had been successful in installing 4,600 energy efficiency measures in 4,000 households.


The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager provided an overview of the main programmes of work including the introduction of WG home loans towards new heating systems for fuel-poor households.  He explained that the team worked with individuals from all property tenures to help access funding which was complex.  Members were encouraged to raise awareness of the services of the team.


The Chairman gave an example where the team had provided help to an initially reluctant resident which had generated a positive outcome.  During the discussion, other Members gave similar examples of residents who had benefitted from the support of the team and thanked them for their services.


In highlighting the importance of sharing information on tackling fuel poverty, Councillor Heesom asked that the report be shared with Cabinet and an update brought back to the Committee in six months’ time.


Councillor Dolphin referred to previous reports received on the subject.  The officer agreed to respond separately to her specific question about a pre-paid electric meter.


In response to queries, the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager clarified the funding arrangements for the service as set out in the report.  He referred to the Council investing in energy efficient measures for its own housing stock and work being undertaken with Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.


The recommendations, which were amended to reflect the debate, were moved by Councillor Heesom and seconded by Councillor Attridge.




(a)       That the progress made in delivering domestic energy efficiency programmes to support fuel-poor households in Flintshire be noted; and


(b)       That the report be recommended to Cabinet in order to highlight the positive action being taken by the Council to reduce fuel poverty and improve the quality of life of residents.