Issue - meetings

Flintshire in Business Update

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

48 Flintshire in Business Update pdf icon PDF 99 KB


That the progress made in delivering business support in Flintshire and the refreshed priorities for the future be noted.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) introduced the report which summarised the work of the business development team and provided an update on the Flintshire in Business programme for 2019.  The report also set out how the service would focus its work in 2020 and beyond in response to changes to the economy and to corporate priorities.


The Service Manager – Enterprise and Regeneration explained that the main function of the service was business engagement which acted as a platform on which other activities were built by the service and other providers.  This as a unique role which was not provided elsewhere and the feedback from stakeholders and business customers had been overwhelmingly positive with regard to the service they received form the team.


One of the flagship programmes delivered by the service was Flintshire in Business (formerly Flintshire Business Week).  This had operated for 13 years and had been fully funded through sponsorship from the business community.  In 2019 the decision was taken to cease to operate the programme as a week-long series of events as it was felt that this made it harder for businesses to attend all of the events.  Instead, events were proposed to be spread throughout the year.  The events included within the programme for 2019 were detailed within the report. 


The Service Manager – Enterprise and Regeneration drew Members attention to the strategic direction for the service and how the service would be refocussing its work in 2020/21 to reflect the changing world for businesses in the County, as detailed within the report.


Councillor Paul Shotton said that it was important for Members to recognise the work of the team and congratulated the team on their work and networking being carried out across Flintshire.


Councillor Ted Palmer asked further information the on the recent announcement from Welsh Government (WG) that 7 towns across North Wales would be benefiting from free Wi-Fi.  The Enterprise & Regeneration Manager agreed to provide further information on this following the meeting.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Patrick Heesom around Mostyn Docks being by-passed for investment, the Chief Officer assured Councillor Heesom that Mostyn Docks was not being by-passed and the section of the report referring to the work stream to improve the coherence and co-ordination of business support activity by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board would assist in a more joined up approach.


            In response to a question from Councillor Dave Wisinger on how many council industrial units were occupied, the Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) reported that towards the higher end of 80% of industrial units were occupied.  He explained that a review of industrial estates was due to be carried out in order to establish which needed to be re-developed in the future. 




That the progress made in delivering business support in Flintshire and the refreshed priorities for the future be noted.