Issue - meetings

Homeless Update on Regional Homeless Strategy and Local Action Plan

Meeting: 17/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 115)

115 Homeless Update on Regional Homeless Strategy and Local Action Plan pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


                        Councillor Hughes introduced the Homeless Update on Regional Homeless Strategy and Local Action Plan report which explained that the Homelessness Strategy objectives were to prevent homelessness and ensure suitable accommodation, and that satisfactory support was available for those who were homeless. 


                        The North Wales region had agreed to the common themes of People, Homes and Services.  Each Council had developed its own local action plan based on the themes within the regional strategy but which reflected local priorities.  The local plan in Flintshire had identified priority actions to tackle and prevent homelessness in the County and was broken down into three main themes:


  1. People – youth homelessness, rough sleepers, complex needs and prison leavers;
  2. Homes – housing first, improved access to accommodation supply and temporary accommodation; and
  3. Services – prevention/intervention, welfare reform and health.


There was a full review of temporary accommodation used by the Housing Solutions Team for homeless being undertaken with findings to be concluded by the end of December 2019.


A key document, which was appended to the report, was the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) Provision in Flintshire. It explained that in order to minimise the risk to rough sleepers, where possible, accommodation would be provided during times of adverse weather or other exceptional and extreme circumstances.  SEWP had been used over recent days and would be used again that evening, with the Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) and his officers operating the provision.  The accommodation being used by the authority was temporary but there were plans to make it a permanent facility.  Members thanked the Chief Officer and his team for all of their work on this.


The Chief Executive commented on the previous permanent shelter which had been removed by a landlord, which had resulted in intervention from the Council, who had responded to the situation quickly and were looking to regularise the situation.  He also thanked the Chief Officer and his team for their help with the intervention and the ongoing provision.


Members commented on the fact that if help was refused, the homeless could not be forced to engage with the services being offered to them.




            That the updates provided against the Local Action Plan for Homelessness be supported.