Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 06/01/2020 - Standards Committee (Item 53)

53 Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 63 KB

For the Committee to consider topics to be included on the attached Forward Work Programme.


That the Forward Work Programme be noted.



The current Forward Work Programme was considered.  It was agreed that an item on Code of Conduct issues (which may have arisen from the Election period) and an item on Liaison with the Council on Ethical issues (feedback from the forthcoming meeting with the Leader and Chair of the Council) would be included on the Programme for consideration at the next meeting on 3 February 2020.  It was also agreed that the item on Confidential Reporting Procedure which was scheduled for the next meeting would be deferred to a future meeting of the Committee.


It was agreed that the Monitoring Officer would put forward an item to the next meeting of the Committee looking at creating a sub-committee to enable the Standards Committee to consider urgent requests for dispensations that arise between the  scheduled meetings of the Committee.




That the Forward Work Programme be noted.