Issue - meetings
Installation of Vehicular Crossings Policy
Meeting: 14/01/2020 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 60)
60 The Installation of Vehicular Crossings on the Public Highway PDF 95 KB
Additional documents:
That the process for installing a vehicular crossing on the Highway Network be noted.
The Highways Network Manager presented a report to provide details of the policy and processes required to lower highway kerbs to allow access to private properties.
The Highways Network Manager advised that most properties in the County had existing crossing points and the Council, as Highway Authority, were responsible for maintaining the facility. However, the Council regularly receives requests for additional or new access points and a policy for the installation of new Vehicular Crossings had been previously approved by Cabinet. Residents could apply to lower the kerb outside their property and install a vehicular access to their property from the adopted highway network which would be constructed to an agreed specification and at the cost of the applicant. Details of the processes associated with the installation of vehicular crossings was appended to the report.
Councillor Sean Bibby raised a number of concerns regarding on street parking and dropped kerbs. In response the Highways Network Manager referred to Section 3 of the Policy addressing vehicular crossings and advised that each application was considered in the context of what was most appropriate for the street.
Councillor Chris Bithell queried what procedures were in place to ensure that dropped kerbs were authorised and what action was taken if not. The Chef Officer advised that if the Council are made aware of unauthorised work then retrospective action could be taken.
The recommendation was moved by Councillor David Evans and seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.
That the process for installing a vehicular crossing on the Highway Network be noted.