Issue - meetings

North East Wales Community Equipment Service (NEWCES)

Meeting: 30/01/2020 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 53)

53 North East Wales Community Equipment Service (NEWCES) pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


(a)          That the successful work of the NEWCES in supporting hospital avoidance and safe return from a hospital setting be noted; and


(b)          That the significant work undertaken in relation to partnerships working, including supporting the regional programme, be acknowledged.



The Senior Manager Integrated Services introduced a report to provide an overview of the current service provided by NEWCES.  She provided background information and advised that the Service delivered and installed over 30,000 items of equipment a year across North East Wales and re-used 90% of the equipment returned.   


The Senior Manager explained that the provision of community equipment was essential for promoting the independence of people with disabilities of all ages.  The provision often resulted in an individual being able to cope independently without the need for other services and greatly increased hospital discharge rates and supported hospital avoidance.  The Service also enabled the safe and effective delivery of other services involving support with personal care including homecare, re-ablement, intermediate care, residential and nursing home care.  NEWCES provides equipment to individuals in the community supporting all hospitals in North East Wales which assisted fast discharge and helped with Delayed Transfers in Care. The Senior Manager advised  that NEWCES  was recognised as an all Wales leader and exceeded the National Minimum Standards for Community Equipment Services in Wales.


In response to a question from the Chair the Senior Manager explained that any person  requesting community equipment was required to have a professional assessment in the first instance.  The Service received 21,000 referrals in the last year.


Councillor Gladys Healey asked if NEWCES worked with the NHS to achieve savings on equipment, and cited the hire of bariatric beds by the NHS from a private company as an example of where savings could be achieved by using the services provided by NEWCES.  It was suggested that this be raised with representatives of BCUHB at the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 10 February. 


Members spoke in support of the excellent services provided by NEWCES and commended the Senior Manager Integrated Services and Service Manager, NEWCES, on their achievements.  Councillor Cindy Hinds suggested there was a need to raise greater public awareness of the work of NEWCES and the facilities provided.  It was agreed that the Facilitator would liaise with the Chief Officer and Corporate Communications to issue  a press release.      


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Dave Mackie and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




(a)          That the successful work of the NEWCES in supporting hospital avoidance and safe return from a hospital setting be noted; and


(b)          That the significant work undertaken in relation to partnerships working, including supporting the regional programme, be acknowledged.