Issue - meetings

Committee Review

Meeting: 27/02/2020 - Flintshire County Council (Item 120)

120 Committee Review pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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(a)       That the following be approved to take effect from the 2020 Annual Meeting:

·         the number of Overview & Scrutiny committees be reduced from six to five and,

·         the new Overview & Scrutiny committee structure, as detailed in the report, be implemented.


(b)       That the reduction in Members take effect from the Annual Meeting on the following committees:

·         the five Overview & Scrutiny committees from 15 to 12

·         the Planning Committee from 21 to 17

·         the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee from 21 to 16


(c)       That the revised political balance calculation at Appendix B be noted;


(d)       That all of those Members and officers who have been involved in the successful completion of the work of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee be formally thanked.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report on the review of the committee structure which covered a reduction in the number of Overview & Scrutiny committees and their memberships, the number of Members on the Planning Committee and a new political balance solution.  He thanked the Democratic Services Manager for his work on this and detailed the consultation process resulting in changes recommended by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee to take effect from the Annual Meeting.


In thanking officers and the Leader, Councillor Heesom asked for clarification on whether non-committee Members would be afforded the right to speak (but not vote) when attending as observers.  The Chief Executive said that whilst Chairs had always been encouraged to permit non-committee Members to speak, Chairs would now be formally invited to honour this practice.  The Democratic Services Manager and his team would assist in ensuring this practice was followed where possible.


As Chairman of the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee, Councillor Palmer moved the recommendations and thanked officers for their work.


In seconding the proposal, Councillor Roberts responded to a question from Councillor Heesom and reaffirmed the commitment given to Group Leaders to reduce the number of Cabinet Members serving on the Planning Committee to three with effect from the Annual Meeting.  He went on to thank Group Leaders for their contributions to the consultation process.


In response to a questions on smaller political groups, the Chief Officer provided explanation on the proposed political balance arrangements which aimed to achieve a fairer allocation of committee seats across parties.  Following comments by Councillor Mackie, the Chief Officer said that any preferences on the seat allocation of minority groups would be given consideration and accommodated where possible.  The Chief Executive said that discussion on this matter would be scheduled with Group Leaders when they met in late March.


Having been moved and seconded, the recommendations were put to the vote and carried.




(a)       That the following be approved to take effect from the 2020 Annual Meeting:

·         the number of Overview & Scrutiny committees be reduced from six to five and,

·         the new Overview & Scrutiny committee structure, as detailed in the report, be implemented.


(b)       That the reduction in Members take effect from the Annual Meeting on the following committees:

·         the five Overview & Scrutiny committees from 15 to 12

·         the Planning Committee from 21 to 17

·         the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee from 21 to 16


(c)       That the revised political balance calculation at Appendix B be noted;


(d)       That all of those Members and officers who have been involved in the successful completion of the work of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee be formally thanked.