Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2019/20 Quarter 3 Monitoring

Meeting: 18/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 143)

143 Quarter 3 Council Plan 2019/20 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 138 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2019/20 Monitoring Report which presented a summary of the monitoring of progress for the third quarter (October – December 2019).


                        The Chief Executive explained that it was a positive report, with 89% of activities being assessed as making good progress, and 89% likely to achieve the desired outcome.  In addition, 81% of the performance indicators met or exceeded target.  Risks were being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (71%) or minor/insignificant (18%).




(a)       That the levels of progress, performance and risk levels in the quarter three Council Plan 2019/20 monitoring report be noted and endorsed; and


(b)       Cabinet is assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2019/20 Council Plan.