Issue - meetings
Care Inspectorate Wales Activity Update
Meeting: 18/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 147)
147 Care Inspectorate Wales Activity Update PDF 107 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Jones introduced the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Activity Update report which summarised the findings of CIW following six days of focussed activity / engagement activity with Social Services.
CIW regulated social care and early year’s services using the regulations and national minimum standards made by the National Assembly for Wales and Welsh Government (WG).
The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that formal feedback from CIW on the activities undertaken in February, June and October 2019 had been positive and had highlighted a number of areas where the Council performed very well and where there was evidence of good outcomes being achieved for people in the community. A summary of the findings was outlined in the report, with areas for improvement being noted.
The next focussed activity would be in relation to progression for adults with a learning disability. CIW would be visiting individuals and employees involved with the progression service in February 2020, looking at processes, outcomes and aspirations for the service.
Councillor Roberts welcomed the report and commented on recent visits he had made to the departments where all employees were passionate about the services they provided.
(a) That the positive feedback received from Care Inspectorate Wales following their recent focussed activity / engagement with Social Services be noted;
(b) That the response to any areas of improvement identified by Care Inspectorate Wales during the year be noted; and
(c) That Cabinet are informed about forthcoming focussed activity to be carried out by Care Inspectorate Wales in Flintshire.