Issue - meetings
Town Centre Regeneration Update
Meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 158)
158 Town Centre Regeneration Update PDF 190 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) presented an update report on the strategic approach to regenerating town centres as identified in the refreshed Council Plan for 2020 onwards.
In addition to updating on actions taken by the Council since February 2019, the report detailed the expectation by Welsh Government (WG) for councils to adopt a more ambitious approach to town centre regeneration. The report also identified the need for additional resources to supplement the team to carry out the additional work. The report and recommendations had been well received by the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
In moving the recommendations, Councillor Thomas said that the discussion at that meeting had been positive. She spoke about the changing context of town centres in exploring options such as transport hubs, quality accommodation and projects under the Townscape Heritage Initiative investment programme.
Councillor Banks congratulated the team on successful bids for WG funding.
(a) That progress in delivering the priorities for town centre regeneration agreed at the May 2019 Cabinet meeting be noted;
(b) That the future strategic direction set out in the report to deliver those priorities in the future be supported;
(c) That delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to bid for external funding as it becomes available to support the approaches to town centre regeneration set out in the report; and
(d) That the allocation of resources as identified in the report to increase the impact of the Council's approach to town centre regeneration be supported.