Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion

Meeting: 27/02/2020 - Flintshire County Council (Item 123)

123 Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 40 KB

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Officers will present on the arrangements for street homelessness provision as part of the response.

Additional documents:


That the Notice of Motion on the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol be withdrawn and the actions noted.


Members considered a Notice of Motion in the following terms proposed by Councillor Attridge and seconded by Councillor Brown.


Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) - Councillors Bernie Attridge, Helen Brown, Carol Ellis and George Hardcastle


“We call upon Flintshire to urgently review the SWEP PROTOCOL.


Following on from severe weather conditions including a storm that placed us in high alert, Flintshire did not activate SWEP unlike all the neighbouring authorities as it was not deemed cold enough according to the protocol.


We ask that Flintshire uses its discretion in bad weather and not only when temperatures drop below zero.  We must ensure that all avenues of communication are open and ensure that we reach out as much as possible.


We need to be caring and compassionate with those who are much less fortunate in our county.”


Speaking in support of the Motion, Councillor Attridge highlighted the importance of tackling homelessness through a multi-agency approach.  Whilst he was aware that SWEP had been activated a number of times, he was concerned that the criteria did not take account of the wind chill factor during recent bad weather.  He recognised the challenges arising from the service provider withdrawing the night shelter provision in Holywell and welcomed the Council’s response to secure the new facility in Deeside.  He called for an urgent review of SWEP to safeguard against a repeat of this situation and for discretion to activate the protocol not just when temperatures fell below the stipulated level.  He went on to thank the Cabinet Member for Housing, Chief Officer (Housing and Assets), Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy), the Homeless and Advice Team Manager and her team.


As Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Dave Hughes highlighted the Council’s priority to tackle homelessness and invited the team of officers to share an overview of their work supporting homeless people and establishing the new night shelter.


The Chief Executive said that the Notice of Motion provided an opportunity to share actions being taken to implement the new service in Deeside, as set out in the briefing note which was circulated.  Whilst the withdrawal of services by any partner organisation was a potential risk, this new service based at a Council-owned building would offer greater resilience.  In response to the concerns raised, the Chief Executive spoke about the difficult circumstances in making the new premises operational and putting in place the necessary safeguards to use the facility as an emergency centre once SWEP was activated.


Members were introduced to the Homeless and Advice Team Manager (Jenni Griffiths), Team Leader, Housing Solutions (Deborah Kenyon) and Supporting People Contracts and Reviewing Officer (Lisa Pearson) who gave a detailed presentation on their work and the impact of losing the former night shelter.  Due to the work required to prepare the new facility and procure a new service provider - and with weather conditions worsening - the Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) and the team had shared a commitment to bring the facility into use as quickly as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123