Issue - meetings
Public Sector Internal Audit Standards
Meeting: 09/09/2020 - Audit Committee (Item 77)
77 Public Sector Internal Audit Standards PDF 89 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Compliance checklist, item 77
PDF 345 KB
- Enc. 2 - QAIP actions, item 77
- Enc. 3 - QAIP components, item 77
- Webcast for Public Sector Internal Audit Standards
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee formally thanks officers and Audit Wales colleagues for their extraordinary work over the emergency period.
Prior to the item, the Chief Executive took the opportunity to formally thank the Internal Audit Manager for her valued work on the Test, Trace & Protect programme.
The Internal Audit Manager presented the results of the annual assessment of conformance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS). The outcome of the internal self-assessment for 2019/20 and the external assessment undertaken for 2016/17 indicated that the service conformed with the standards in all significant areas and operated independently and objectively. Actions on the previous assessment had been completed apart from two (partly complete) and two (ongoing); one of which was a requirement of the Standards and the remainder put in place as additional actions to improve the operation of the service.
In response to a question from Sally Ellis, the Internal Audit Manager confirmed that actions on the area of non-conformance as part of the external assessment had been completed and implemented.
Allan Rainford sought clarification on the process for appraisals and training within the Internal Audit team. The Internal Audit Manager provided information on various elements of the training programme, including competencies and targeting areas for enhanced learning. Whilst a benchmarking exercise with other councils in Wales had not been possible this year, the results of future findings would be included in the annual update to the Committee.
Councillor Paul Johnson referred to the suggestion in the standards for the Chair of the Audit Committee to feed into the performance appraisal of the Internal Audit Manager. Officers explained that the reporting structure in place achieved partial compliance as it was considered appropriate and allowed flexibility to enable the Chair to feedback more regularly on the Internal Audit function.
Councillor Axworthy proposed that the Committee record its thanks to officers and Audit Wales colleagues for their extraordinary work over the emergency period.
The recommendation in the report was moved and seconded by Councillors Paul Johnson and Andy Dunbobbin.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee formally thanks officers and Audit Wales colleagues for their extraordinary work over the emergency period.