Issue - meetings
Risk Management Framework
Meeting: 12/03/2020 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 90)
90 Risk Management Framework PDF 87 KB
(a) That the Committee notes and supports the work on the risk management framework and the allocation of risks to Overview & Scrutiny committees following a presentation at the Committee; and
(b) That monthly progress reports on the principal ‘open risks’ be made to the April, May and June meetings of the Committee.
The Chief Executive presented a report on the development of an improved internal risk management framework including the allocation of risks and oversight of financial risks which were areas of interest to the Committee.
The Chief Executive and Strategic Performance Advisor gave a presentation on the following:
· Review of the Risk Framework
· Risk categories
· Risk types
· Active Risk Management
· Financial Risks 2020/21
o Pay (annual awards)
o Out of County Placements
o Post-16 School Transport
o School Deficit Budgets
o In-year Budget
o Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
The aim was to introduce a more effective, systematic approach to identifying and escalating risk which was viewed as best practice. The process involved positive engagement with the Chief Officer team and portfolio performance lead officers along with the Internal Audit team in an advisory role. As part of the presentation, an overview was given of the four principal ‘open’ risks that could be reported on at this stage. For example on Pay (annual awards) where the Council had little influence on the national position but could build in sufficient flexibility to the MTFS to reduce the impact. Whilst the impact severity was significant, the likelihood was low due to those mitigation measures. Whilst setting the overall budget was an open risk, the MTFS and managing the budget in-year remained ongoing risks.
In response to Councillor Jones’ query on the risk for Additional Learning Needs/Special Educational Needs (ALN/SEN) reforms, the Chief Executive said that work was ongoing to assess demand following a delay in national grant funding.
Following comments by Councillor Johnson on the risk category for health and safety, the Chief Executive said that this applied to Out of County Placements due to the complexities involved.
The Chief Executive spoke about the significant cost pressures arising from school budget deficits which was currently given a ‘black’ risk score as financial actions had not yet been taken.
As the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education and also the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) Education spokesperson, Councillor Roberts described school budget deficits as a consequence of the period of austerity and of significant concern across Wales. In Flintshire, officers were working closely with schools in a licensed deficit position and welcomed plans by Welsh Government (WG) for a change in Pupil Deprivation Grant funding arrangements.
On the allocation of risks across committees, the Chief Executive said that discussions would take place with Overview & Scrutiny Chairs to agree urgent risks to inform active work programming. He suggested that the status of the principal open risks be reported to this Committee in April, May and June, and that the Revenue Budget Monitoring reports from July include an update section on each.
Councillor Jones suggested that all health and safety risks should be given a red status, particularly on Out of County Placements where this was a primary risk. The Chief Executive said that the overall risk rating reflected the current status on each of those live examples and would be subject to ... view the full minutes text for item 90