Issue - meetings

Review of Member/Officer Protocol

Meeting: 14/10/2020 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 7)

7 Review of Member/Officer Protocol pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To consider the changes recommended by the Standards Committee to the Member/Officer Protocol as part of its rolling review of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


That the amended protocol be approved.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to consider the changes recommended by the Standards Committee to the Member/Officer Protocol as part of its rolling review of the Constitution.   He reported that at end of 2019/early 2020 the Council had also undertaken work around specific aspects of the working relationship such as case handling for Councillors and the Flintshire Standard and it was appropriate that the Protocol be amended to incorporate that work.  In addition it was deemed appropriate to update the protocol to strengthen the guidance on relationships between employees and Councillors in light of a recent Case Tribunal.  The Protocol was attached as Appendix A to the report showing the proposed amendments as tracked changes. 


Councillor Mike Peers referred to the proposed changes to the Protocol in Appendix A, and raised a number of questions and suggestions regarding paragraphs 3.1 Roles of Members and Officers; 4.1(d) timely response to enquiries and complaints;10.2 involvement of Ward councillors; 11.1 Members’ access to information and to council documents; and 13.0 access to Council premises.  The Chief Officer responded to the points raised and agreed to amend the Protocol as appropriate.


Councillor Chris Bithell expressed the view that there was insufficient reference in the Protocol around  Members responsibilities to their individual Ward constituents.  He referred to paragraph 3.1 on the Roles of Members and Officers and said Members were also responsible for representing the electorate and raising any specific matters or concerns they had.  Councillor Bithell also referred to paragraph 4.0 (d) on a timely response to enquiries and complaints and expressed the view that the deadlines within the guidance for handling enquiries were not being met.    Councillor Bithell made further comments in relation to Member/Officer relationships, working relationships between Members and Officers, and access to Council premises.  The Chief Officer responded to the concerns raised and provided advice on the correct procedures to be followed.  He agreed to amend the Protocol as appropriate in response to the suggestions made by Councillor Bithell  and to resend the guidance provided to Members on the process for reporting enquiries and complaints. 


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Arnold Woolley and seconded by Councillor Rob Davies.




That the amended protocol be approved.