Issue - meetings
Fly Tipping and Household Duty of Care Enforcement
Meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 165)
165 Fly Tipping and Household Duty of Care Enforcement PDF 91 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Thomas introduced a report on the twelve month review of the process for issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for small-scale fly tipping offences and sought approval for the introduction of education and enforcement for householder Duty of Care requirements.
It had been identified that around two thirds of fly tipping originated from domestic properties where residents had transferred their waste to unregistered traders. The proposed education campaign was to highlight householder responsibilities on domestic waste disposal and to issue an FPN where it could be demonstrated that residents had failed in their legal duty, with a reduction applied for early payment.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that the number of fly tipping cases in Flintshire may be due to the Council’s proactive approach to encourage reporting of incidents which were then recorded to monitor hotspot areas. He reported good performance on the removal of fly tipping within 24 hours and said that investigations were carried out to identify the source where possible.
Councillor Banks took the opportunity to pay tribute to Streetscene operatives and spoke in support of a further increase in the FPN charge as a deterrent. This view was shared by Councillor Jones who referred to the impact of fly tipping on flooding issues.
Councillor Thomas clarified that fly tipping of large-scale items incurred an FPN charge of £1,000.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Thomas and Jones.
(a) That progress on the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices for small scale fly tip events be noted;
(b) That the Countywide education campaign and subsequent enforcement of Householder Duty of Care arrangements through Fixed Penalty Notice be approved;
(c) That the Fixed Penalty Notice charge for breach of Householder Duty of Care at £300 be approved, with a reduction to £150 if the FPN is paid within 10 days; and
(d) That the Fixed Penalty Notice charge for small scale fly tipping offences at £300 be approved, with a reduction to £150 if the FPN is paid within 10 days.