Issue - meetings
Financial Procedure Rules
Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Flintshire County Council (Item 20)
20 Financial Procedure Rules PDF 86 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - FPRs with tracked changes, item 20 PDF 232 KB
- Enc. 2 - Glossary of terms, item 20 PDF 102 KB
- Webcast for Financial Procedure Rules
That the updated Financial Procedure Rules be approved.
The Corporate Finance Manager presented the proposed Financial Procedure Rules which had been updated following minor amendment by the Audit Committee and Constitution & Democratic Services Committee.
In moving the recommendation, Councillor Chris Dolphin thanked the Corporate Finance Manager and his team for their work. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Banks.
Councillor Richard Jones noted references to value for money and asked how this could be effectively measured, which he suggested could be discussed further by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (CROSC). The Chief Executive gave an example where the rules were applied by evaluating quality and value for money when awarding contracts. He said that work on capital investments could be explored in more detail at CROSC.
That the updated Financial Procedure Rules be approved.