Issue - meetings
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20 - Carry Forward of Funding into 2020/21
Meeting: 12/05/2020 - Individual Cabinet Member Decisions (Item 11)
11 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20 - Carry Forward of Funding into 2020/21 PDF 92 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report and explained that Finance Procedure Rules required that Cabinet approve carry forward funding requests to meet the costs of future commitments.
The report included details of a number of recommended carry forward requests which had been submitted by Portfolios and all had been through a challenge process to ensure that the purpose was reasonable and appropriate. The table in the report summarised the amount of carry forward funding requests and further detail was provided in the appendix.
Councillor Banks, as Cabinet Member for Finance, said he was content with the details provided to him following submission of questions to the Corporate Finance Manager.
As Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Carver made the following comment:
“My view as Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee is that the carry forwards are reasonable and therefore I have no objection to the carry forward requests included in Table 1 and Appendix 1 of the report”.
Councillor Mackie had submitted the following observation to the Democratic Services Manager:
“£0.060m income received from Flint Town Council in 2019/20 towards town centre regeneration. This will focus more on interventions in properties and will include the recruitment of a new post which will be recruited to in 20120/21”
Councillor Banks, as Cabinet Member for Finance, supported the recommendation.
That the carry forward requests included in Table 1 and Appendix 1 be approved.