Issue - meetings
Prudential Indicators - Actuals 2019/20
Meeting: 16/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 175)
175 Prudential Indicators - Actuals 2019/20 PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Banks introduced the Prudential Indicators – Actuals 2019/20 report and explained that under the Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities, Councils were required to set a range of Prudential Indicators.
The report provided details of the Council’s actual Prudential Indicators for 2019/20 compared with the estimates set for:
· Prudential Indicators for Prudence; and
· Prudential Indicators for Affordability.
Councillor Carver, as Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee made the following comment:
“I am satisfied with the report and I congratulate Council staff involved on their financial achievements in keeping on top of COVID-19 challenges which six months ago were unexpected”.
That the report be approved.